Adult Services Roundtable
July 2010 Meeting
Reference Materials and Topics
In attendance were:
Deni Owens – Hoover
Jared Millett – BPL
Jason Baker – Trussville
Beth Hutchison – Homewood
Katie Moellering – Emmet O’Neal Library
Gina Robertson – Gardendale
John Newman – Avondale
Leslie West – Vestavia
April Wallace – Irondale
Ellen Lawrence – Springville Road
We discussed the trial offer by EBSCO for their Legal Information Reference Center. Jason Baker expressed interest and mentioned that this database might be a possible addition at the county level. The libraries were given a free trial offer for the Center which is still active.
If you would like to take a look at the database or have questions, please contact Katie Moellering (at Emmet O’Neal), as she can contact our EBSCO rep. to find answers.
We discussed various library's experiences with reducing or eliminating orders for print reference materials in the face of database offerings. We also discussed what happens when, during a budget crunch, those online materials are cancelled.
A few libraries mentioned that they are shifting some reference materials into the circulating collection for better visibility.
If you need a place to send reference books a few options were mentioned:
· Better World Books (which donates books to their partner programs around the world – see their website for more info)
· New Clay library may want some materials (although PLEASE call or email first!)
· Some libraries have had success using the APLS listserv to distribute their books to libraries (school and public) across the state.
Leslie West asked if the standards committee should look at its standards in regards to the reference collection if, in fact, many libraries are reducing the size of their reference collections.
Deni Owens mentioned that libraries should beware of a company that publishes books on demand which are nothing more than Wikipedia articles. Deni’s email to me said “The publisher that turns the Wikipedia articles into books is Books LLC. Watch out!”
She also sent a handout from Susan Spafford (Hoover) of her “must-have” reference books and/or materials.
We discussed the use of print and online materials in schools. Sometimes students come to the library stating that they need an online source but “can’t use the internet” and sometimes have difficulty understanding our databases are, in fact, legitimate sources.
Leslie West brought some of her favorite resources to share. Among them were a few books on dental care and eye care. These are favorites of hers because there are very few books available on these subjects and these particular titles, published by Omnigraphics, have a more universal lexile level.
Deni mentioned that Hoover has moved all career info to a career section with job interview/resume writing tips, etc. all in once place.
We discussed those books that frequently “disappear” i.e. G.E.D. books or in some places books on witchcraft. Bessemer used to purchase the GED books at a 40% discount then sell them to their patrons.
Another librarian stressed that we should be steering patrons to Learning Express to take tests based on various subjects.
We talked about Atlases and atlas stands as well as Opposing Viewpoints, antiques and collectibles and when we weed these particular subjects and subject areas.